Automatic Renewal Terms

This version was updated on February 9, 2021

I Acceptance and modification of the terms

This agreement is made between Flextech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Flextech”) and all members who use TeraBox services (hereinafter referred to as “you”) regarding the entrusted deduction service for automatic renewal. This agreement constitutes a prerequisite for you to use the automatic renewal service provided by TeraBox. By choosing to use the automatic renewal service, you will be deemed as agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

II Service description

2.1 This service is to meet the member’s demand for automatic renewal. Member can avoid losses caused by his/her failure to renew in time due to negligence or other reasons by opening this service to authorize TeraBox to deduct the fees of the next billing cycle from the balance of his/her own top-up account, third-party payment account bound to the member account, bank card and communication account (hereinafter collectively referred to as “account”) before and after the expiration of the membership.The billing cycle is one natural month. Member can choose freely according to the automatic renewal service displayed on the TeraBox platform when buying the membership service provided by TeraBox. The service is implemented on the premise that the member has bound his or her TeraBox member account to the above account and can be successfully deducted from the above account.

2.2 Automatic renewal specifically refers to the deduction method for TeraBox to collect the member’s next billing cycle fee through the above account based on the premise of 2.1. Member should ensure that TeraBox can deduct money from the above-mentioned account successfully. The member shall be responsible for the failure of renewal due to insufficient deductible balance in the above account.

2.3 While enjoying the automatic renewal service, the member shall be bound by the User Agreement. This agreement is supplementary to and forms an integral part of the User Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this agreement and the User Agreement, this agreement shall prevail.

III Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1 After the member opens the automatic renewal service, TeraBox will automatically deduct the fees for the next billing cycle through the aforesaid account of the member 24 hours before the expiration of each billing cycle, record the payment in the member’s payment record, and extend the member’s validity period accordingly at the same time. The automatic renewal status update may have a display delay, and the actual payment of the automatic renewal contract status shall prevail. If the member does not cancel the automatic renewal function at least 24 hours before the billing cycle expires, the subscription will be automatically renewed and due amount will be deducted.

3.2 If there is any error in the deduction process, TeraBox and the member should cooperate closely to find out the reason and bear the losses caused by their own mistakes. If losses are caused by unequal faults of both parties, both parties shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to the degree of fault. If losses are caused by the joint faults of both parties but it is not possible to distinguish their respective faults, the responsibilities shall be shared by both parties equally.

3.3 TeraBox may change or modify the relevant service content, rules and terms of this agreement in accordance with its business development or technical upgrades, etc. TeraBox will inform users of the relevant changes or modifications by means of public announcement on the relevant TeraBox pages, but is not obliged to make individual notifications. If the member does not agree to the modifications to this agreement, he/she may cancel the service he/she has acquired and stop using it. The member is deemed to have accepted all modifications to this agreement if he/she continues to use the service provided by TeraBox.

3.4 TeraBox can notify the user before deduction, and the member can choose whether to cancel the service within the required time. If the member chooses not to cancel, it shall be deemed that the member agrees to TeraBox's deduction attempt in accordance with certain rules. Once the deduction is successful, TeraBox will extend the membership service for the next billing cycle for the member.

3.5 If the service price of TeraBox related membership is adjusted at/before the time of automatic renewal deduction, the current effective price shall prevail.

IV Opening of automatic renewal service

4.1 If you open the service from TeraBox-related Android or IOS mobile client / Web page end / mobile Web page end, you are deemed to authorize TeraBox to withhold the service fee of the next billing cycle from the payment channel you have authorized to bind, including but not limited to: bank card, Apple Pay and Google Pay, before and after the expiration of your relevant membership service period.

4.2 You are obliged to pay attention to and ensure that the payment channel you choose has sufficient balance under the account of the payment method to meet the needs of automatic renewal. If due to the aforementioned defects (including but not limited to: insufficient balance, insufficient balance to satisfy the user to select multiple automatic renewal services), the relevant member services will not be able to be continued.

V The validity period of automatic renewal service

5.1 Unless otherwise specified by TeraBox, the automatic renewal service you receive will be valid permanently.

5.2 TeraBox will carry out renewal automatically before expiration of the TeraBox service you have selected. If there is any change, please make the change according to Article 6 below, otherwise TeraBox has the right to renew the corresponding service by your default payment method.

5.3 You can choose whether to cancel the service or not. If you choose not to cancel, it shall be deemed that you agree to TeraBox’s deduction attempt in accordance with this agreement. Once the deduction is successful, TeraBox will extend the membership service for the next billing cycle for you. If the price of TeraBox package service is adjusted before/during the automatic renewal, the current effective price shall prevail.

5.4 TeraBox specifically reminds you that when you choose to use the automatic renewal service and entrust TeraBox to pay the fees by your default payment method, TeraBox will consider that you have chosen to purchase its relevant paid services. Therefore, TeraBox will not refund in any way for the fees paid by you.

VI Unsubscribe from automatic renewal service

6.1 You may choose to unsubscribe from this service at your own discretion. The membership automatic renewal service can be closed through the following cancellation process:

6.1.1 Apple phone users can enter IOS device “Settings”→“iTunes Store and App Store”→select “Apple ID”→click “View Apple ID”→click “subscribe”→unsubscribe on the account settings page.

6.1.2 Android phone users who pay via Google pay can also unsubscribe in the following ways: refund through the Google App Store, or through “TeraBox Personal” →“subscription page” →click the “Manage automatic renewal” button→click “close automatic renewal” to close the subscription.

6.2 Successful cancellation of the automatic renewal package will not affect your current effective membership benefits, and the membership will not be renewed when it expires.

6.3 The instructions that have been entrusted to TeraBox for automatic renewal and deduction before you choose to terminate the service are still valid, and TeraBox will not refund the fees deducted based on the instructions.

VII Validity and termination of the agreement

7.1 This agreement shall be effective from the time the member chooses to accept or use the service until the member terminates the service/cancels the membership.

7.2 The member has the right to choose to terminate the service at any time in the Member Account Settings. TeraBox will stop providing this service to the member after this service is terminated.

7.3 The instructions that have been entrusted to TeraBox for automatic renewal and deduction before a member chooses to terminate the service are still valid. TeraBox will not refund the fees deducted based on the instructions and the relevant responsibilities will be borne by the member.